Between Kindle and Audible I was just able to complete Barack Obama's lengthy book covering his rise to the presidency and his first couple of years in office. I was reluctant to take up a book recanting an inspirational leader from a more optimistic time. Nonetheless, Obama's voice comes through, not just on Audible, and the spirit of "Yes we can" remains. I miss the intellectual statesman that carefully read the PDB's and sought consensus from his capable cabinet before making the hard decisions. As he explains, decisions that reach the president are never easy and often require the least worst option. Barack's human caring side comes through from his regular visits to Walter Reed to townhall meetings with young people all over the world. He was, and still is, the ambassador of the "Promised Land.", and that "America's democratic, rights-based, pluralistic system, could still deliver on the promise of a better life." I felt that Obama wanted to set the historical record straight. Upon reflection, he also provides some warning and prophecy. "Except now I found myself asking whether those impulses of violence, greed, corruption, nationalism, racism, and religious intolerance, the all-to-human desire to beat back our uncertainty and mortality and sense of insignificance by subordinating others, were too strong for any democracy to permanently contain." Can America rekindle the audacity of hope?
Monday, December 13, 2021
Friday, October 29, 2021
Bruno, Chief of Police
My book selection is the first of several stories by Martin Walker involving a local policeman in a small fictional village in the Dordogne region of France. There are currently 19 books in the series (see I just finished my eighth one, The Patriarch, and I feel like I know the main characters and can almost taste the food and the wine. The books are a great escape and are more about the region, the people, the food, and the wine than the crime stories themselves. On the other hand, Walker is a great story teller and each book comes to an exciting climax that somehow pulls together a complex plot. As the author says in the Forbes article below, "I am a story teller. Its the people, and the setting of the people. The Perigord is the real star."
Tuesday, October 05, 2021
Chernow's book is a long detailed account of the life of an American hero, US Grant. Grant was a flawed man that was brave, honest, and loyal to a fault. In his own words concerning his mistakes, "If a mistake was made, it was a mistake of the mind and not of the heart." His major flaws were alcohol and naivete in business that the author exposes in detail. On the other hand he was a brilliant general whose master plan won the war for the North after a series of failed leaders. He built a team with Sherman, Sheridan and others that turned the tied. He was the perfect support for Lincoln and realized that slavery was the central issue of the war. As president he brought peace, reduced the army and the debt, and protected the 4 million freed slaves. He was a champion of all races and was president under the 13th (slavery), 14th (citizenship), and 15th (voting rights for all male citizens), as well as the first civil rights act. His presidencies were plagued by corruption and petty politics, and he struggled with the challenges of implementing reconstruction in a racist country. Interesting that the "radical republicans" were the civil rights activists and the democrats were mostly racists. It sometimes feels like the "Lost Cause" will never die, particularly in the South. I took away an appreciation of the greatness of Grant and a feeling that his place in history has been unfairly tarnished.
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Suggestible You
Bill's selection is a collection of stories, tricks, and narratives that can alter the human mind by changing our expectations. Much of the book explores the placebo effect in treating pain and chronic illness. He explores the challenge of separating the placebo effect from the chemical effect of a drug. He also examines the ability of the human body to produce it's own defenses to combat a illness. The author is raised as a Christian Scientist and does not turn away from the effectiveness of his religion in helping true believers. On the other hand, he points out that placebos do not work on cancer, broken bones, and many other maladies. The author divides people in categories based on there genetic code as met/met (25%), met/val (50%), and val/val (25%) with the met/met group being most open to suggestion (placebos, hypnosis, false narratives). Makes you wonder if the vast majority of Trumpians and Christian Scientists are met/met. The book concludes that all of us should consider the power of suggestion in improving our wellbeing.
Sunday, July 11, 2021
Beneath the Scarlet Sky
John's selection is an historical semi-fictional book about a bigger than life Italian WW2 war hero. Although he faces extreme violence and injustice, he somehow does not succumb to the evil all around him. With the aid of the Catholic Church he assists in the escape of Italian Jews before serving as a spy while driving for a top Nazi general. He falls in love, performs daring driving escapes, and confronts both Nazi's, fascists, and partisans. Even after witnessing the extermination of Jews and slave labor by the Nazi's, along with the killing of his friend and lover by the partisans, he keeps his faith. The book focuses on man's inhumanity to man and I cannot recall Pino taking a life. He is a war hero that was not a killing machine.
Tuesday, June 08, 2021
The American Story
Stanley's selection is a series of conversations by David Rubenstein with expert historians on key individuals in "The American Story". Each of the historians interviewed studied their subjects for several years with Pulitzer prize publications. The chapters included Washington, Hamilton, Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Lindberg, MLK, Johnson, Nixon, and Reagan. The final chapter was an interesting conversation with the chief justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts. The book was a great history lesson despite being redundant and a little disjointed. A good read nonetheless.
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
The Midnight Library
Matt Haig is is children's book writer that takes on the very serious subject of depression, despair, and suicide in a positive and actually uplifting way. The down-and-out 30 something young woman travels through multiple alternative universes in her "midnight library" to discard her "book of regrets" and begin to write her blank "book of her future". With the limited help of her imaginary librarian, Nora rediscovers her will to live and the endless opportunities available to her. The author injects words of wisdom and helpful philosophy to guide the reader to Nora's rebirth...I AM ALIVE.
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
American Dirt
American Dirt is a fictional tale of the plight of undocumented immigration from Latin America by a myriad of characters. The main characters are a mother and an 8 year old son that flee the cartel in Acapulco after all 16 of their family members have been killed. The story line includes two other asylum seekers that are sisters from Honduras, a young boy from the TJ slums, a young man from the cartel, a college student, a mother from San Diego, and seasonal workers from Veracruz. The coyote is an admirable man and the bad guys are the cartels and narcos, the border control, and American vigilantes.
The author works Spanish words in the narrative, particularly in relation to the world of immigration. She uses "el norte" for the US, "la bestia" for the Mexican freight trains, and "la migra" for the US Boarder Patrol. It makes the read a little more challenging and I am glad I have been doing Duolingo. The story line is a bit far fetched and the author does get a little wordy, but overall the book is an enlightening look intro the world of refugees.
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Twilight of Democracy
The Seductive Lure of Authoritarianism
Bob's selection is written by a long-term, well-connected political journalist. Applebaum has personal connections to her homeland of Poland, Hungary, Great Britain, and the US. She is also an author and expert on the Soviet Union. This makes her an expert on both current right-wing as well as previous left-wing authoritarians of whom she makes little differentiation. Both seek to create a one-party system that controls the military, the press, and the judiciary.
Applebaum describes herself as politically center right. On the other hand, she uses the word liberal to describe the the need for democracies to demand participation, argument, effort, struggle and tolerance. I particularly like the way she explains the difference between reflective nostalgia and the restorative nostalgia used by authoritarians. The restorative nostalgia creates a past that fits their grim narrative that only they can fix. It is eerie how the four right wing parties share the same memes, conspiracy theories, and platforms. From George Soros, to Covid, to immigration, to racism. She explains how many of her former friends have been lost to the movements of their respective authoritarians.
Thursday, February 04, 2021
Sapiens (a not so brief history)
Harari's 2014 book is a comprehensive work covering most every subject involving homo sapiens. The author takes you through a journey of Physics (14b BC), Chemistry (4b BC), Biology (300k BC), first humans (70k BC), Cognitive cooperation and Agricultural Revolution (10k BC), early empires (2000 BC), religion, money, politics, scientific revolution (1500), technology, military, and modern scientific developments. Much of the book focuses on the last 500 years and does not shed a positive light on human development. The author has a low opinion of humans being able to collaborate and solve problems and even suggests that we are biologically predestined to fail.
The author writes in the final chapter that homo sapiens are, "Self-made gods with only the laws of physics to keep us company, we are accountable to no one. We are consequently wreaking havoc on our fellow animals and on the surrounding ecosystem, seeking little more than our own comfort and amusement, yet never finding satisfaction."
Haran is like a Bill Bryson with fewer cleaver stories. He covers most every human related subject imaginable, however the book lacks continuity. I took away from the book a negative view of homo sapiens with a defeatist attitude about the future. Yet this book was written before a US administration that was a climate change denying, white supremacist promoting, arms race disaster. This book could have been named the Problem is Us vs. the Power of Us.
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
The Power of Us
The Power of Us is a book about the benefits of open and sharing organizations in today's world. David Price addresses how successful companies and schools utilize open participation and learning to engage users to achieve personal interests, social goals, as well as organizational goals. Control is garined by giving it up. Open organizations gain support and commitment through sharing. David has a unique ability to relate and appreciate young people and see the potential they have to solve the many problems facing the world today.
David was kind enough to join our meeting today from the UK and was a terrific addition to our discussions. Thank you David!