Saturday, October 16, 2004

Name that Book

Here are a few of my favorite quotes. Can you name the books?

1. They should know what lurks between those sesame seed buns.
2. We are awfully lucky to be here - and "we" I mean every living thing.
3. "But he can't be a Hindu, a Christian and a Muslim. It's impossible. He must choose."
4. Along the way, the little horse and the men who rehabilitated him captured the American imagination.
5. That day, thanks to her stubbornness, I switched from practical-but-attractive to pure tango, and not just in my underwear.
6. Behold the greatest cover-up in human history. Not only was Jesus Christ married, but He was a father.
7. I did it perfectly. After all these years. The old lift-and-dive trap.
8. "Is your last name your first name backwards?"
9. The class met on Tuesdays. No books were required.
10. "A Nimbus Two Thousand!" Ron moaned enviously. "I've never even touched one."
11. "The wags used to say...the death of a single white American equalled five Israelis, fifty Bosnian Muslims, or fifty thousand Africans."
12. The only demons we must fear are those that lurk inside every human mind: ignorance, hatred, greed, and faith, which is surely the devil's masterpiece.
13. We need our president to restore September 11 to its rightful place on the calender - as the day after September 10 and before September 12.
14. Better that than sitting in a jail cell for teaching that asshole a lesson about defensive driving.
15. Instead of "think globally, act locally," the mantra of Greens should be "think ethically, act politically."
16. The honest middle, where much of the nation lives, can't find a place to hear a genuine discussion.
17. Do we have the will and foresight to make decisions for the sake of descendants we will never know?
18. As a group or "reading class" are we developing "an increasingly rare form of cultural capital" or "an increasingly arcane hobby."

Answers: Fast Food Nation, A Short History About Nearly Everything, Life of Pi, Seabiscuit, The Kindness of Strangers, Da Vinci Code, Kite Runner, Holes, Tuesdays with Morrie, Harry Potter, Zanzibar Chest, End of Faith, Longitudes and Attitudes, Hillbilly Elegy, Getting to Green, Muzzled. Countdown, The Shallows

Monday, October 04, 2004

History of the Book Club

Bill and Paul decided to start a book club in October of 1998. They invited fellow tech member Lou, South Pas connections Stanley and Bob (now a canyon dweller), John S, and Dave M. John H. joined the club at our third meeting when a second Dave from Antelope Valley never materialized. David J ended up replacing Lou from Encino in May 2003.

The group has stayed in tact ever since. We have meet nearly every month, usually on the second Tuesday, for the next 18 years. The individual that selects the book also gets to host the group for the next meeting. The books are usually relatively short in nature so everyone has time to finish before the next meeting.

Over the years the book selection has expanded to a wide range of subjects that reflect our interests and taste. The books have helped to expand our knowledge and provided entertainment. The monthly gathering has been something to look forward to. Although the intent of the gathering may be to discuss the subject book, no one knows where the discussion will go.

Even though I have moved to San Diego over a year ago, I still make my monthly trek to the San Gabriel Valley for our special gatherings.