American Dirt is a fictional tale of the plight of undocumented immigration from Latin America by a myriad of characters. The main characters are a mother and an 8 year old son that flee the cartel in Acapulco after all 16 of their family members have been killed. The story line includes two other asylum seekers that are sisters from Honduras, a young boy from the TJ slums, a young man from the cartel, a college student, a mother from San Diego, and seasonal workers from Veracruz. The coyote is an admirable man and the bad guys are the cartels and narcos, the border control, and American vigilantes.
The author works Spanish words in the narrative, particularly in relation to the world of immigration. She uses "el norte" for the US, "la bestia" for the Mexican freight trains, and "la migra" for the US Boarder Patrol. It makes the read a little more challenging and I am glad I have been doing Duolingo. The story line is a bit far fetched and the author does get a little wordy, but overall the book is an enlightening look intro the world of refugees.
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