Friday, October 28, 2016


The group is made up of half Democrats and half Republicans. A couple of the wives are actively involved in local and state politics and we each have our opinions. There are no Trump supporters in the group, however there is a varied level of support for Hillary. We have read books about California politics, immigration, the primary system, and several presidents. Political books include Don't think about an Elephant, California Crack Up, Mexifornia, Let the People Rule, Garfield, The Limits of Power, The President's Club, The Big Burn, and Getting to Green. 

We have shared our political thoughts from the end of the Clinton administration, though the Bush W. years, and now through the rest of the Obama years. We have discussed the effects of 911, the Iraq war, the recession, global climate change, immigration, and a host of other local and national issues.

The current selection of Hillbilly Elegy helps to give a perspective on the latest presidential election. Speaking of the latest election, Bob wrote: The white middle class workers voted from their fear that their place in our society is shrinking. That fear is not likely to be changed by President Trump. But we now can add the fears of 20 million who will lose their health care, the 3 million Muslims and other minorities who will fear their place in America, the fear of 15 million Hispanic families who have undocumented members of their families, the fears of our global partners who fear a move to isolation and the fear of consumers that regulations protection will be dismantled. As our new President might say, Sad. Several of us have since weighed in on the event and are generally surprised and disappointed with the outcome. 

In the meeting following the election the group discussed the direction of the nation. The book Hillbilly Elegy did not provide much insight for the plight of blue collar workers in America. It is a nice story about what one individual can do with a few good role models and some military training. America and the world will continue to evolve with greater diversity, automation, and globalization regardless of the recent election. Blue collar jobs will continue to disappear and we discussed Musk's idea of a universal basic income. In the mean time we will have to endure some bumps in the road.

Book club is a unique opportunity for eight guys to openly discuss politics in a lively yet civil forum.

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