Saturday, August 17, 2024

Autocracy, Inc.

Applebaum's latest book is a brief description of the network of kleptocracies currently impacting the world. The liberal world order of free democratically elected countries is threatened by the block of authoritative autocracies. These autocracies include the likes of Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Belarus, North Korea, Egypt, Malasia, and Saudi Arabia. Each of them spread misinformation and sometimes even military support to try to undermine democracies around the world. Resisters to the autocrats are threatened, beaten, imprisoned, and sometimes killed. Their names and even their ideas are smeared and labeled as treason. The kleptocrats and their loyal supporters keep all the spoils with the aid of financially motivated enablers around the world. Applebaum ends the depressing book by calling for the democracies around the world to unite against the dictators through supporting the resistors, combating the misinformation, and stopping the enablers within.

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