Thursday, September 24, 2020

Man of the Future

 Was/is Jerry Brown a man of the future?

The biography is a travel though time in California for our generation. From his father's state college and aqueduct projects, to Watts, Black Panthers, Manson, Jim Jones, SLA, and OJ, to anti-Viet Nam, drugs, and anti-Nukes, to anti-tax Prop 13 and anti-immigrant 187, to justice reform and climate change action. Jerry was there throughout lending his insight and guiding hand.

Jerry Brown lives by two credos, "Do what you are doing" and "Live in the inquiry". At the end of the book he describes himself as a "skeptically Catholic enthusiastic romantic". He is a unique liberal politician that also believes that "small is beautiful". He served two 8 year terms as the Governor of California with 28 years in between. Always thinking, argumentative in a good way, and a man of great wisdom. 

I think he is a man for the present...too bad he is not younger. Maybe he can be on our next Zoom meeting?

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