Hannah Richie is a 30-year-old Oxford data scientist from Scottland. Her recent book is an optimistic guide to solving the major environmental challenges of her generation. The book addresses air pollution, climate change, deforestation, food sources, biodiversity, plastics, and overfishing. Each of these challenges are inter-related and affected by the wants and needs of a growing population. She optimistically points out that population growth is slowing and should top out at about 10 billion. Deaths from childbirth, infectious disease, disasters, as well as world-wide poverty, have all dramatically decreased. She paints a picture of a world where everyone will have the opportunities for a good live while sustaining and improving the planet for future generations.
Hannah challenges her generation to become the first sustainable generation. To pull together and overcome both the deniers and the doomsdayers. Through the use of data, see web site www.ourworldindata.org, she makes a convincing argument. What can we as book clubbers of a certain age do for the future of the planet?
My list of sustainable activities includes solar panels to meet energy needs, two all-electric cars, no heating or A/C, draught tolerant landscaping, rain barrels, increased insulation, four willy attic vents, induction cooktop, LED lighting, rechargeable batteries, compost, reusable bags, farm boxes, minimal air travel, and eating more veggies, chicken, sustainable fish, and minimal beef. As Kermit the frog said, "It's not easy being green." I remember in the introduction to "Upsizing" the author lamented that he promoted a soap that used palm oil that contributed to the destruction of rainforest. All we can do is the best we can and don't sweat the small stuff.