Amor Towles' book is a story of the events and relationships of a woman in her twenties in Manhattan in 1938. The story begins and ends with Katey reminiscing of her adventures and affairs with Tinker, Eve, Wallace, Dicky, and Anne. Katey has become successful and happily married, yet you feel a little sadness for the people in her past, especially Tinker. 1938 was a special year filled with good friends, fast times, Jazz, successes, and personal loss. The characters are mostly likable, friendly, and civil. The book ends with an appendix of George Washington's "Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation" that was kept by Tinker and picked up by Katey. The final entry #110 reads, "Labour to keep alive in your Breast that Little Spark of Celestial fire Called Conscience."