Bill's selection is a collection of stories, tricks, and narratives that can alter the human mind by changing our expectations. Much of the book explores the placebo effect in treating pain and chronic illness. He explores the challenge of separating the placebo effect from the chemical effect of a drug. He also examines the ability of the human body to produce it's own defenses to combat a illness. The author is raised as a Christian Scientist and does not turn away from the effectiveness of his religion in helping true believers. On the other hand, he points out that placebos do not work on cancer, broken bones, and many other maladies. The author divides people in categories based on there genetic code as met/met (25%), met/val (50%), and val/val (25%) with the met/met group being most open to suggestion (placebos, hypnosis, false narratives). Makes you wonder if the vast majority of Trumpians and Christian Scientists are met/met. The book concludes that all of us should consider the power of suggestion in improving our wellbeing.